first how do families in which all 4 or more registered members that whose membership expires at the same time handle the NCAC participation fee? Second scenario; how do families in which one or more of the family members registration expires at the end of a different month than the other family members handle the NCAC participation fee?
Correct, the Participation Fee only applies to the first 3 youth in a family. Any additional youth are exempt (covered by NCAC).
The fourth, exempt, youth member is the youngest of the Scouts in the family.
Renewals for all members of the family (parents and youth) except the fourth/youngest is the same for all other members. Ideally the parents log into myscouting and self pay. The specific renewal month does not matter. If members are within the window and eligible to renew, all in the window can be renewed at the same time. If one member is not in the window, the parent will return to my.scouting later to renew that member.)
For the fourth youth, at present, complete the renewal up to payment, print the renewal form, add a note that Scout XXname, BSA ID is the fourth family youth and submit the paperwork to council. (A new dropdown menu has been added to the system to facilitate printing.) The registrar will manually process the renewal.
National did not initially build in the capability to use discount codes with renewals which would allow using the code to exempt the participation fee collection when renewing. We requested adding a discount code capability, and they are in the process of adding it. When that occurs, NCAC will provide the parents with a code for the fourth youth. Then the family can self renew and apply the code so all happens electronically. We'll let DCs know when discount codes are available