This site is being used for a Service Team sub-group Pilot initiative on Council Technology with the Commissioner Technology Taskforce.
The 8 methods of Scouting are the ways that Scouting uses to achieve what are called the Aims of Scouting. These are fundamental to the program and include developing character, fostering good citizenship, and encouraging personal fitness. Two things that I believe are in the process of developing in our modern era: First, this program is targeted to youth, but also develops adults in important and related ways. Second, with the evolution of technology in our society there could in fact be one more "method" encapsulated in the concept of Open Source. This second is the realm I feel adequately qualified to advance.
Technology itself has changed rapidly in recent decades. Society and business have adopted, adapted and grown as a result. Scouting has integrated technology in important ways, but the journey has just begun.
My work with Scouting over the past few decades has involved open source advocacy and education as well as many other aspects of the program. One of my volunteer roles is visible here, on the Scouting.Org website: https://bit.ly/aj-bsa
I'm always looking for people to join me on this journey. Feel free to reach out if you have thoughts, questions or need anything at all.
Thank you.
Adam John (link goes to more information about me)